1994 – 2024
30 years of the Saint Michael Archangel Foundation
S.Em. Card.
Matteo Maria Zuppi
President Italian Bishops’ Conference in dialogue
“Misericordia in Opera”
6 September at 11 a.m.
Sala Bolognini – Basilica Patriarcale di San Domenico
Vicolo Santa Lucia, 40124 Bologna BO
“No fim tudo dá certo, e se não deu certo é porque ainda não chegou ao fim.”
“Everything will be fine in the end. If it does not go well, then it is not the end.”
Fernando Sabino
“Worry more about your conscience than your reputation. Because your conscience is what you are, your reputation is what others think of you. And what others think of you is their problem.”
Charlie Chaplin
“The Holy Spirit does not reign in abstract disembodied spirituality – which many moralists love – but seeks the mire of our sins to absolve us and put us back on our feet. Indeed, its most moving kenosis consists precisely in immersing itself within our limitations and sins to free us from any bondage from within.”
Card. Marc Oullet
“You can fool everyone for some time and some forever, but you cannot fool everyone forever.”
Abraham Lincoln
“A lie makes time to travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”
Winston Churchill
Founded more than 25 years ago in Bergamo, the San Michele Arcangelo Foundation represents the synthesized crossroads of a group of Organisations which feels strongly about Education, Training, Employment, Research and Sustainability.
The most concise and aware formulation of the nature, purpose and working directions of the Foundation can be found in Article 2 of its Statute.
OPERA (Charitable Organisation)
The San Michele Arcangelo Foundation is an Organisation meaning it is an entity that is structured and managed according to business logics but on a non-profit basis, with social utility purposes, to which any operational gains are redirected.
The Foundation, with its Catholic roots regarding the experience from which it originates, addresses the religious sense of humankind, meaning, that core of unshakeable aspects and needs – of truth, justice, happiness, love – which constitutes the “heart” of the human being.
The purpose of the Foundation is to promote the overall realisation of individuals, accompanying and supporting them, with the comprehensive acquisition of the criteria for personal action, the natural propensity towards self-fulfilment, the summit of which is freedom understood as the total satisfaction of one’s desires.
The Foundation’s activities are characterised by:
– the introduction to truth through the experience of beauty, present in nature and in human cultural, technical and artistic expressions;
The participation of partners, collaborators, users, families, businesses, institutions, the community at large, in building the Organisation and achieving the common good;
Transparency of internal and external relations, management activities and information, to encourage sharing of the Foundation’s objectives;
A style that is based on moderation, an attitude that indicates the preeminence of others as a good for oneself and is expressed in an essentiality and discretion that are attention and service aimed at others;
Commitment to development according to a logic of sustainability, inspired by the criteria of an integral ecology, which unites the human, social, economic and environmental dimensions;
Opening up to the world understood as an intrinsic dimension linked to action and a commitment to promoting and supporting international experiences and collaborations.
The activities are based on five essential principles:
San Michele Arcangelo Foundation, founding partner of all the Group’s Organisations, stands as guarantor of the purpose, method and steering and appoints the statutory bodies of each of them.
Le Opere della San Michele Arcangelo sono state fondate da Daniele Nembrini, sposato e padre di tre figli.
Daniele nasce nel 1968 a Trescore Balneario (BG), ultimo di dieci figli. La sua vocazione per l’educazione e la formazione viene da lontano: già nel 1956 infatti suo padre, Dario, ha aperto nella sua officina meccanica quella che oggi si chiamerebbe “scuola-bottega”.
The Organisations in the San Michele Arcangelo Foundation, which are rooted in Catholicism, did not, paradoxically, come into being to respond to the needs of others, but first and foremost to our own: to the need for meaning that we all have. And so we try, as best we can, to respond to the needs of others – which we recognise, in the end, as identical to our own.